About MyMD of Tulsa
MyMD of Tulsa is located at 71st and Harvard and once the transfer is official we will be sending out notification to come for your first visit to get acquainted, discuss any questions you may have, and get you established at the new practice.
Benefits of MyMD of Tulsa
Dependable Personalized and Convenient Care
Relaxed Appointments
Greater Convenience
Visits with your Personal Physician, No Midlevels
Direct Access to your Doctor After-Hours when appropriate.
Tailored Comprehensive Care
Minimal Wait Times
Same Day Access
Longer Appointment Times
Facilitated Referrals for Specialized Care
Number one in quality ranking for UPC Family Medicine 2016-2017.
The current fee schedule for services in the office range from $175-200 per month based on age. And also includes an option to add your dependent children (26 years old or less) for $50 per month, when appropriate, and can be discussed on an individual basis.